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The Improvising Symphony Orchestra

This is Stegreif.

We are a collective of 30 musicians from all over the world. Our passion is to combine the cherished heritage of classical music with the limitless possibility of improvisation. Our concerts are performed without a conductor, without sheet music or chairs, allowing us more freedom for movement and interaction.

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Ab 20.00 Uhr


Stream #freesolo auf ALEX TV

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Ab 20.00 Uhr


Stream #freesolo auf ALEX TV

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Ab 18.00 Uhr


#free∃roica im konzert theater coesfeld

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Ab 20.00 Uhr


#Improphonie im Nikolaisaal

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Veränderungen im Leitungsteam

Unsere bisherige Vereinsvorsitzende und unser künstlerischer Leiter haben sich entschlossen ihre Positionen im Verein in andere Hände zu legen. Darüberhinaus wurde der Vereinsvorstand erweitert und neu gewählt.

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Kampagnenstart Be:Family

Heute starte unsere Kampagne Be:Family! Wir wollen zu einem solidarischen, gemeinschaftlich getragenen Orchester werden und freuen uns auf den gemeinsamen Weg mit euch.

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MITARBEITER*IN GESUCHT! Projektleitung in Teilzeit

Frische Stellenausschreibung! Ab Herbst suchen wir eine*n engagiert*e Mitarbeiter*in als Projektleitung in Teilzeit. Bewirb dich jetzt - bis zum 30.09.24!

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Current Productions


symphony of change

The sustainability symphony "symphony of change" by the Stegreif Orchestra is the final production of the two-year concert and workshop series #bechange - 17 sounds of sustainability.

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(C) Navina Neuschl


Recomposition of Anton Bruckner's 7th Symphony in E major | A work commissioned by the International Brucknerfest Linz to mark the 200th anniversary of Bruckner's birth

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(c) Patrick Hürlimann

#freesolo - Premiere programme

How do modern forms of leading and following work in the orchestra? #freesolo examines this using the musical genre of the solo concerto and develops a contemporary, collaborative work form.

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(c) Navina Neuschl
All Productions

Become a part of Stegreif

Stegreif e.V. is a non-profit association. Our work depends not only on its members, but also on our numerous external supporters. Through project funding, donations and the faithful members of our Stegreif Family, we have been able to set a lot of things in motion over the past few years - for this we would like to say: Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

(C) Ludwig Nikulski

Stegreif Supporters

We want to thank our current supporters for their great contribution