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For many centuries, humans have been shaping events on earth. In the constant search for an answer to the way of living together, different values and ideologies are practiced and negotiated in social systems.

#freesolo deals with these forms of social coexistence and asks the question of how these guidelines are implemented in music today. In the field of tension between autocracy and democracy, the balance between action and reaction, between loud demands and careful listening is considered. To this end, Stegreif questions the solo concerto and the classical orchestral system regarding its contrasting forms of leadership. Here, improvisation takes a leading role and, through the development of individual solo to collaborative group improvisations, forms the musical means of this project. Therefore the solo concerto is tested for its suitability for improvisation.


artistic director
Lorenz Blaumer

composer in residence
Noam Sivan

co-composer Stegreif
Alistair Duncan

Tristan Braun

light design
Arnaud Poumarat

Johanna Meyer

directors assistant
Sarah Lucey

project management #freesolo
Immanuel de Gilde

production management #freesolo
Anna von Gehren

#freesolo concert programmes

The #freesolo project includes three #improcerti in which Stegreif presents the current state of its artistic research on various improvisational styles in different epochs of human coexistence. The three concert programs with live performances at the Exploratorium Berlin form a continuous and studio-like insight into the creation of the grand final premiere of #freesolo, which combines the artistic results of the project and processes them into an independent work.

(C) Philipp Müller

Composer in Residence

As composer in residence, the composer, pianist and improviser Noam Sivan devotes himself to the influences of improvisation on the composition of #freesolo together with Stegreif Orchestra. Together they examine the influences of improvisation on the composition of #freesolo.

#freesolo Workshops

In addition to the concert formats, eight #freesolo workshops with youth and up-and-coming orchestras form an important part of the #freesolo project. There, they will collectively explore how individual leadership styles and improvisational methods can be applied to a symphonic orchestra and what great possibilities lie in a collaborative approach of making music together. The exercises and materials developed for the workshops will be published in Stegreif-Workbook at the end of the project. This workbook is designed to provide the didactic foundation for consistent, clear, simple, and sensibly prepared improvisational exercises in working with symphonic orchestras.

(C) Catriona Fadke


#freesolo wird im Rahmen des Programms Exzellente Orchesterlandschaft gefördert durch: Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.