On the occasion of this special anniversary ‘1O years of nsdoku - 8O years of the end of the war’, it is a great honour for Stegreif to invite you to remember and mourn, celebrate and preserve, to come together and enjoy music with our improphonie.
»How can music be created spontaneously and in contact with the audience? Where do improvisation and composition meet? Could even an entire symphony be improvised?«
Groove - movement - eye contact. The aim of the #improphonie is to capture the magic of collective, free improvisation in its spontaneity and to give it its own space as an independent work. With this, the individual characteristics of the musicians become the driving force behind the piece, and communication becomes the actual composer.
Unlike most of Stegreif's programmes, the #improphonie is not centered around the recomposition of an existing symphonic work, but is based exclusively on improvisational concepts. Alongside the musicians, the audience journeys through the movements of a wholly unique symphony that can be experienced only once, as it is created in the same moment that it is being heard.
Picture: Navina Neuschl