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TONALi residency 2023/24 in Hamburg

Stegreif is the winner of the TONALi Award 2023 'Mut zur Utopie'. The prize money of €25,000 is accompanied by a one-year mediating and investigating TONALi residency in Hamburg, during which Stegreif will artistically accompany the TONALi Academy, give several workshops and help organise and curate the TONALi Festival 2024. The final event will take place on 6 July 2024 in the main hall of the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg. There, the TONALi Stage Academy will join forces with over 200 Hamburg schoolchildren and the Stegreif Orchestra to create an artistic experiment called "Social Symphony".

The TONALi Award, which has been presented annually since 2021, honours personalities and institutions that make a social contribution to a diverse and open cultural and musical life through their forward-looking visions. As a "beacon of hope for society and the next generations", Stegreif has "revolutionised the orchestra as such" and brought about a rethink in the entire concert world. The ensemble is thus also being honoured for its many years of tireless commitment to the contemporary transformation of classical music.

Photo: Catriona Fadke



in co-operation with TONALi gGmbH